Japan Sun Industries (Taiyonoie) > What is Japan Sun Industries?

What is Japan Sun Industries?

Our Motto,Fundamental Policy and Agenda

Headquarters building

Our Motto

No Charity, but a Chance!
~the realization of the society which preserves the dignity of human being~

写真 富士通エフサス太陽株式会社
◇Our Fundamental Policy

・Provide the chance to work for the people with disabilities.
・Support the people with disabilities to have independent livings.
・Contribute the local and international communities.
・Comply the rule of the society.

写真 作業棟   写真 スーパーマーケット 「サンストア」
Manufacturing buildings
Sun store (grocery shop)

JSI is the place where the people with disabilities work and live. They participate to the local community as one of local citizens.Since 1965 when JSI was established, JSI has been working to create jobs for the people with disabilities and a lot of people succeeded to return to the society. Even though they have disabilities, which dose not mean that they do not have abilities to work. we supports them to create universal environment at their work and their lives. As well as the people with severe disabilities who need assistance in daily life also interact with the local community and enjoy their lives. JSI always wish to be like the Sun for the people with disabilities.

◇Our Agenda

・Provide service from the perspective of users
・Carry on the work with concentrated power and speed observe the rule
・Create cheerfully and lively work place
・Have a good relationship with local community and create relationship of trust.


◇Origin of Our Name

 Taiyo-no-Ie: ”Japan Sun Industries” is called Taiyo-no-Ie in Japanese. Taiyo-no-ie was named by author Tsutomu Minakami whose daughter had disability and JSI founder Dr. Nakamura was her surgeon. “Taiyo” is “Sun” and “Ie” is “Home” in Japanese. Taiyonoie was named with a wish to be the Sun and the Home for the people with disabilities.

 Japan Sun Industries: When JSI was established, one of our achievements that JSI was willing to be in the future was to become a company which make a profit like a business as usual, in other word, “JSI is not welfare place to receive charity but also JSI is a company that make a profit for the society”. By the name of “Japan Sun Industries” give us any social welfare facility imagination was chosen for English name. “Industries” the plural form meant that JSI would established all over Japan and the world.

The logo of Japan Sun Industries

画像 太陽の家 シンボルマーク

 A barley is resilient. It trodden over and over again,when it grows up even it become higher and stronger. The Barley growing up toward the sun stands for unity.